
See also: Project list

  • Name: The name of the project
  • Parent project: If filled in, this project becomes a subproject of the specified project.
  • Enabled: When a project is enabled, spendings can be added to this project. Spendings of disabled projects cannot be edited.
  • Status: The status of the project: Paused, In progress, Cancelled, or Finished. It does not effect if a project can be edited or not.
  • Due date: The date when the project must be finished.
  • Priority: The importance of the project.
  • Progress: The percentage of the project that has been completed
  • Time spent: (calculated) The total amount of time spent on this project (including sub-projects).
  • Project size: (estimated) The time that is estimated to be needed in total to complete the project. The estimation is based on Progress and Time spent.
  • Expenses: (calculated) The total expenses for this project (including sub-projects).